game developer
o p e r a t i o n : a c o r n
g a m e p r o g r a m m e r
udk // kismet // u n r e a l s c r i p t
d e s c r i p t i o n :
Operation: ACORN is a 3rd-person Adventure Platformer in the vein of Crash Bandicoot and Super Mario 64. This project was developed in UDK with a few other students from the Game Development Club at Santa Monica College. As the Game Scripter on Operation: ACORN, my tasks were to implement the game’s character controller, a few scripted events, and a couple other tasks in Kismet.
Since Operation: ACORN was built using the Unreal Tournament base game found in UDK, I modified Epic’s character controller so it functioned similar to Crash. I also worked closely with the character modeler to integrate his character mesh and animations into the engine, and setting up the skeletal mesh and animsets for it. I also designed and help implement a unique health mechanic for Operation: ACORN which add another layer of urgency and complexity to the game's original health system.
p r o j e c t d u t i e s :
Contributed to the design of the game’s mechanics.
Implemented player controller, “Hat” health system, teleport mechanic, and other core mechanics utilizing Kismet and Unrealscript.
Used Kismet to implement matinee sequences for cutscenes, including door puzzles.
Managed art pipeline by importing meshes, animations, 2D assets into UDK.
Coordinated with other programmers and artists to implement new features and assets.
d o w n l o a d l i n k :
You can download and play Operation: ACORN here ***GAMEPAD REQUIRED***
d o c u m e n t a t i o n :